Log in to Google Classroom
Trouble logging in?
I don't know my student number
Your student number (kursist nr.) appears in the welcome letter you received in your “e-boks”. The sender is “Brøndby Kommune”. The student number is placed just below the date.
I don't know my password
- Select “Uni-login” in the “Login Selector” window. Please note that the image may look slightly different depending on the setup of your browser.
- Select ”Har du glemt adgangskoden?” at bottom of the page.
- Use MitID to get a new password.
- Select ”Skift adgangskode” and you will be given the opportunity to renew your password via MitID.
I used to log in with UNI-login
- If you are used to logging in with UNI-login and you know the password, you can choose “Lokalt Login”. Scroll down to ”Vestegnens Sprog- og Kompetencecenter”, and you will get to the login page, that is known to you.
I have tried everything
If you are still facing trouble, please send an email to steeh@brondby.dk
Instructions for logging in with MitID
Go to: www.sprogcenter.net or click on the “Google Classroom app” on your mobile.
Write your student number + @sprogcenter.net (e.g. 43255@sprogcenter.net).
Your student number appears in your welcome letter.
Press “Next”.
Select ”MitID” in the window “Loginvælger”.
Log in with your MitID by opening the MitID app on your mobile phone.
Select ”Skift adgangskode” (change password), and through MitID, you will have the option to renew your password.