Exam classes

Exam classes
At VSKdansk, you get nine lessons a week in a day class. This way, you will spend more time with a teacher than at most other language schools, and have a good chance to learn more. We offer exam classes preparing for all Danish exams: Studieprøven, PD3, PD2 and PD1.
Please be aware that exam classes are only free of charge if you are entitled to The Danish Language Course.
Please, be aware of the rules concerning deposit if you wish to be admitted to another language school.
Here, you can learn more about the rules concerning The Danish Language Course.
Requirements for students in exam classes:
To be registered at:
- PD1 class, you must have passed modul 1.5.
- PD2 class, you must have passed modul 2.5
- PD3 class, you must have passed modul 3.4.
- Studieprøve class, you must have passed PD3 with a good result.

Sayed had a fine exam result at PD3 so he was admitted to the GIF program. His dream is to become a doctor. That dream can now come true.
Sayed had a fine exam result at PD3 so he was admitted to the GIF program. His dream is to become a doctor. That dream can now come true.
Studieprøven is at the highest level of The Danish Language Course – DU3 module 6, and you must have passed PD3 with a good result to be admitted.
At VSKdansk, Studieprøven is scheduled as blended learning, which means a mix of online classes and physical classes. Every Monday evening (17-19 in Glostrup), you attend physical classes with a focus on the oral language. The remaining part of the course is online. You get thorough feedback on your assignments. Therefore, the teacher’s feedback constitute a great part of the learning process. Since Studieprøven is at a high level, you will have to make an effort to achieve a good result. You should expect to spend, at a minimum, 5 hours a week on homework.
An exam in Studieprøven is very useful. It can, for example, provide you access to a variety of higher education programs in Danish.
Prøve i Dansk 1-3, day classes
You will have:
- Lessons 3 days a week
- Supervised study center
- Study and career counselling
- Optional extra lessons day or evening
Prøve i Dansk 1-3, evening classes
You will have:
- Evening classes:
- Lessons 2 evenings a week
- Supervised study center
- Study and career counselling
- Optional extra lessons day or evening