In this policy, we explain how we collect and use your information. This applies to the information we have about you, whether you are a citizen, a company, represented in an association, partner or employed at the language school. The Privacy and Data Pro-tection Policy also describes your options for objecting and getting corrected wrong information.


The legal entity responsible for the processing of your personal data is:
Brøndby Kommune
Park Allé 160
2605 Brøndby
CVR: 65113015 email: brondby@brondby.dk


If you have any questions about our processing of your information, please contact our data security at the language school by mailing to sprogcenter@brondby.dk or telephone 43 28 35 00.
If you want to get in touch with Brøndby municipality’s data protection officer (DPO), please contact: 

Data Protection Officer
Christian Abildløkke Rasmussen
Den Storkøbenhavnske Digitaliseringsforening
Hvidovre Kommune
Hvidovrevej 278
2650 Hvidovre
Tlf. 23 99 05 15


Common personal information is information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, private ad-dress, telephone number, social security number, email address, etc. In very special cases, we also process so-called sensitive information e.g. information about your health.


We collect and process information about you so that we can complete the agreed classes, in order to be able to live up to an agreement with you or to live up to demands from other authorities. The processing of data about you takes place in accordance with the relevant legislation in the area e.g. Lov om danskuddannelse til voksne udlændinge fx kap. 5 (The act of Danish education for adult foreigners, chapter 5), Lov om forberedende Voksenundervisning (FVU) (The Act of Preparatory Adult Education), Lov om ordblindeundervisning for voksne (OBU)(the Act of Dyslexia Education) or Lov om aktiv beskæftigelse (The Act of Active Employment) with appendixes and guidelines.

What data is required depends on the type of course you attend. For example, if you attend The Danish Language Course we need information about your educational background in addition to name, address, social security number, etc. If you have classes as part of an activation process, health information may be required.

We only collect the information necessary for the specific task we are to solve.


In most cases, you provide your information yourself, for example when you talk to one of our language counsellors or on the language schools’ website.

We register your information in a secure professional system. For the purpose of your case, we may need to obtain additional information from other authorities or joint registers. For example, we pick up from your municipality of residence or other language schools. You always have the right to know what information we collect about you.


We pass on your information to other public authorities and data processors. Other public authorities can be your municipality of residence, other language centres, and companies as well as agencies and ministries. Data processors can be companies that operate IT systems on behalf of the municipality.


In certain cases, we transfer personal data to countries outside Denmark, the EU and the EEA. If we use data processors in third countries, we set extra high security requirements and have extra attention around data protection.

If we transfer information to countries outside the EU/EEA, we will always ensure that there are the necessary guarantees, which means that the country/countries or company is assessed by the EU Commission to be in general at an adequate level of protection either through legislation or through other measures.

If the country / countries or company has not been assessed as having sufficient adequacy level of protection, we will ensure that the necessary guarantees for the protection of personal data have been obtained by use of the European Commission’s standard contracts.


There are different guidelines for how long we may keep your personal data. We store your information as long as you attend classes, are enrolled in exams, or other case processing takes place.
After your have ended your education we keep your information in 5 years in order to be able to carry out statutory reporting to relevant public authorities e.g. accounting and reporting regulations. After 5 years we erase all yur personal data regardless of whether you have completed your education or passed any exams.

However some information is kept for at longer period, e.g. results from exams are kept for 30 years and data relating to dyslexia tests are kept for 15 years.


If you want to write to the language school, we recommend that you use your student number (kursist nummer) rather than your identification number. Your student number appears on all letters you receive from the Language School.
Does your email contain sensitive or confidential information such as your social security number and information about your health we recommend that you use secure communication, for example via e-box.
Read more at www.brondby.dk/sikkermail.


If you send a physical letter to the language school, your inquiry will be forwarded to the appropriate person, who archives the document in a secure electronic case and document management system. The municipality’s case and document management system contains incoming and outgoing documents as well as agen-das, summaries and notes.


On the website VSKdansk.dk and the underlying websites, we use cookies for e.g. statistics, which helps us to improve the content of the website and ensure a good user experience for you and all other visitors.
Cookies are also used to ensure certain of the website’s functions, eg that you can fill in and send a specific form. None of the information we collect via cookies is passed on to others. And the information is anony-mous and will not be linked to you as a user.

A cookie is a small data file that is placed on your computer when you visit our website. Cookies are basi-cally used to recognize your computer or other device so that we can see which pages and functions you visit. A cookie is not a program and does not contain viruses. You have the opportunity to say yes or no to cookies, and also to change your choice. If you say no, there may be some features of the website that do not work properly.

According to the Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to our storage and processing of information about you. If you want to make use of your rights, please contact us.

Your right to see your information (right of access)
You have the right to access the information that we store and process about you as well as a number of additional information

Your right to withdraw your consent
In cases where you have given consent for us to process your information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you choose to withdraw your consent, it does not affect the legality of our pro-cessing of your personal data on the basis of your previously given consent until the time you withdraw it. Therefore, if you withdraw your consent, it will only take effect from this point in time.

Your right to have incorrect information about you corrected
You have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected.

Your right to have your data deleted
In special cases, you have the right to have information about you deleted before the time of our regular general deletion takes place.

Your right to object
In certain cases, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.

Your right to restrict the processing of your data
In certain cases, you have the right to have the processing of your information restricted. If you have the right to have the processing restricted, we may in future only process information, other than storage, with your consent, or for the purpose of establishing, asserting or defending legal claims, or to protect a person or im-portant public interests.

Your right to complain
You always have the opportunity to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency if you are dissatisfied with the way we process your personal information. You will find the Danish Data Protection Agency’s contact information on datatilsynet.dk.

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guide on the rights of data sub-jects, which you can be found at www.datatilsynet.dk.