VSK Glostrup

VSK Glostrup

VSK Glostrup

VSK Glostrup

VSK Glostrup is our largest language school. Here we offer The Danish Language Course free of charge – including the Studieprøven. If you already have some knowlegde of Danish, FVU Danish classes is an option. We provide classes at all levels. In addition, we offer FVU digital, FVU mathematics and FVU English. We also have classes for dyslexic learners (OBU).


VSK Glostrup is a 10-minute walk from Glostrup station (S-train). If you live or work in Glostrup, Brøndby, Albertslund, Hvidovre, Rødovre, Vallensbæk or Valby, it is easy to get to VSK Glostrup.

Danish Classes:

We provide morning, afternoon and evening classes. We also have classes on Saturdays.

Schedule for The Danish Language Course (Danish):

  • Morning/afternoon classes: 3 times a week – 9 lessons.
  • evening classes: 2 evenings a week – 6 lessons.
  • Danish Online: online i e-Sprogcenter.
VSK Glostrup


Skolevej 6, 2600 Glostrup



Interview at VSK Glostrup

Before you start attending Danish classes, we would like to see you for an interview. We will find your level and ask you to decide whether you prefer a day, evening or online course. At VSK Glostrup we provide drop-in counseling. You don’t have book an appointment. You can show up during opening hours, when ever it fits into your schedule. Please remember to arrive half an hour before closing time at the latest, so the counselor has time for the interview. When you show up without having an appointment, you must be prepared for a wait. If you wish to attend online classes, you can book an online interview at Danish Online.

Drop-in-Counseling runs in:

Monday 9:00 – 18:30
Tuesday 9:00 – 17:30
Wednesday 9:00 – 11:30
Thursday 9:00 – 15:00
Friday 9:00 – 12:00

The Language Counselors phone hours:

If you need to speak to a language counselor, feel free to call 43283500

  • Monday: 9:30-11:30
  • Tuesday: 13:00-14:00
  • Thursday: 9:00-11:00
Madjid Allaoua

Madjid Allaoua

Language Counselor

Sümeyra Ünalan

Sümeyra Ünalan

Language Counselor

Maj Emilie Gonzalez Andersen

Maj Emilie Gonzalez Andersen

Language Counselor

Maja Schiødt Skrowny

Maja Schiødt Skrowny

FVU Coordinator

Ninette Damm

Ninette Damm

Language Counselor

Study Center

In Glostrup, we have a large study center placed next to the canteen. The teachers in the study center can assist you if you experience difficulties. You can also work independently on topics of your interest. You can use our computers and a variety of books and other learning materials – both online and offline.

What students find respectively difficult and easy varies. How you experience learning Danish depends on your linguistic background. This is why it is important that you have the opportunity to supplement your learning with an individual focus – an opportunity you have in the study center.

Many students use the study center to prepare for the module tests or the exams. It pays off well.

The Study Center's opening hours

Teachers will help you in the Study Center:

Monday: 9:00–14:30 / 16:30–19:00
Tuesday: 9:00–14.30 / 16:3 –19:00
Wednesday: 9:00–12.15
Thursday: 9:00–14:30 / 16:30–19:00
Friday: 9:00–13:00


Monday: 10:00-13:00
Thursday 10:00-13:00
Wednesday: 10:00-12:00
Thursday: 10:00-13:00
Friday: 10:00-12:00
VSK Glostrup

Помощь на русском языке

Вам нужна помощь с обучениeм в VSK? Или со другими вопросами о вашей жизни в Дании? Я говорю по-русски и я жду Вас в “Vejledningen” рядом с  рецепции по понедельникам с 10:00 до 12:00 и по пятницам с 12:30 до 13:00.

Help in Russian

Do you need help with your studies at VSKdansk or do you have any other questions about living in Denmark, I am here to assist you. I speak Russian and I am available at the counselling office next to the reception on Thursdays from 10-12 and Fridays from 12.30-13.00.

Каren Loft (Карен) – преподаватель датского языка


VSK Glostrup


In Glostrup, we work with volunteers who visit our study center. To many students, the study center is the place they have their first authentic conversation in Danish with e.g. a volunteer. The volunteers find it interesting to talk to our students, and our students get an insight into life in Denmark.


In our libraries you can borrow books to bring home. We have both fiction and non-fiction. Many of the books are available as audiobooks as well.


In Glostrup, we have a canteen where you can buy lunch. The canteen can provide you with delicious, healthy food at a good price. The “dish of the day” is a hot dish. On Mondays and Wednesdays the “dish of the day” is vegetarian. On Fridays we have fish on the menu.

We run a Languge Café in the Study Center:
Monday: 10:00 – 13:00
Tueday: 10:00 – 13:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 12:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 13:00
Friday: 10:00 – 13:00


“Sundhedsdansk” in Glostrup

Online tutorial courses: Do you want to learn more about the Danish Health Care System? We offer online tutorials for students at DU2 and DU3 with a healthcare background. The course is primarily aimed towards Iranian students and will feature a Persian interpreter.

Workshop: This workshop is aimed towards healthcare professionals such as a nurses or doctors who have a healthcare degree from their home country. Here you get the opportunity to work more specifically with the Danish language in healthcare. The workshop consists of 2 lessons per week and runs for 12 weeks.

Reception opening hours

At the reception, they answer most questions concerning The Danish Language Course, FVU and exams.

Monday: 08:15 – 17:15
Tuesday: 08:15 – 17:15
Wednesday: 08:15 – 12:00
Thursday: 08:15 – 16:00
Friday: 08:15 – 13:00

Phone hours

Call us: 4328 3500

Monday: 08:15 – 14:00
Tuesday: 08:15 – 14:00
Wednesday: 08:15 – 12:00
Thursday: 08:15 – 14:00
Friday: 08:15 – 12:00


Find your way to VSK Glostrup

You can easily get to VSK Glostrup by train or bus.


The language center is a 8 minute walk from Glostrup station. Line B runs every 10th minute. Line Bx runs during rush hours.


You can take the lines: 93N, 149, 300S, 500S, and 947.