Prøve i Dansk 1-3 (PD1, PD2 and PD3)

Prøve i Dansk 1-3 (PD1, PD2 and PD3)

You can attend PD1, PD2, and PD3 twice a year – in November/December (Autumn term) and in May/June (Spring term).

Students at VSKdansk receive a very comprehensive course, giving them the very best prerequisites for performing well in the examination.

Learn more about the Danish Language Course.

If you fall ill and cannot attend a test, you must document your illness with an attestation.

Learn more about how to get an attestation. 

Summer term 2025

The written exam: PD3: May 13, PD2: May 14, PD1 May 15.

Deadline for registration: March 3, 2025

Winter term 2025

The written exam: PD3: November 11, PD2: November 12, PD1 November 13.

Deadline for registration: September 1, 2025

Prøve i Dansk 1 (PD1)

The coming written part of PD1 will be held on May 15. The subsequent oral exams will be held during the period June 10-20, 2025.

Prøve i Dansk 1

There will be a new version of PD1 in 2025. PD1 is the final exam in the Danish Language Course 1, module 5.

PD1 concludes with past/not past.

You can use PD1 when applying for jobs.

Prøve i Dansk 2 (PD2)

​The coming written part of PD2 will be held on May 14. The subsequent oral exams will be held during the period June 10-20, 2025.

Prøve i Dansk 2

PD2 is the final exam in the Danish Language Course 2.

A passed exam in PD2 is one of the requirements when you apply for a permanent residence permit.

The written and the oral examination

The written examination consists of Reading Comprehension 1, Reading Comprehension 2 and Written Presentation.

The oral exam is taken in pairs. That means that you take the oral exam together with another student.

First, you talk about a topic of your choice. The topic must be personal and deal with conditions in Denmark. You must submit your topic before the oral exam.

Second, you have a conversation with the other student about a topic that is unknown to you before the examination.

Here you can watch a video on PD2.

Prøve i Dansk 3 (PD3)

The coming written part of PD3 will be held on May 13. The subsequent oral exams will be held during the period June 10-20, 2025.

Prøve i Dansk 3

PD3 is the final exam in the Danish Language Course 3.

A passed exam in PD3 is one of the requirements when you apply for Danish citizenship.

The written and the oral examination

PD3 consists of an oral and a written part. The written test consists of Reading Comprehension 1, Reading Comprehension 2 and Written Presentation (two parts).

The oral part consists of two parts – a conversation about a known topic and a conversation about an unknown topic. You will receive your topic in your e-boks approx. 5 week days before the exam.

You will be shown pictures that relate to the unknown topic, and the examiner will ask you questions related to it.

Here, you kan learn more about the written and the oral part of PD3.


Where and when is the examination taking place? What can I bring to the examination? What is a valid photo ID? Can I complain? What if I get sick?

Rules regarding Prøve i Dansk

Once you have registered for Prøve i Dansk, you will be informed about time and place for the examinations. You will also be informed about what you need to do before the examination and what to bring.

Time and place

The written examinations are held either at our language school in Glostrup, Skolevej 6 or at a location nearby. You will be notified about time and place both before the written examination and before the oral examination.

Photo ID

For both the written and the oral examination, you must bring photo identification in the form of:

  • Passport, residence card, foreign passport or convention passport issued by the Danish authority
  • Passport or identity card or issued by a public authority in an EU/EEA country or in Switzerland
  • Passport or other valid travel identification with photo issued by a public authority in a country other than the countries mentioned above

If you cannot show valid photo ID before attending the examination, we will have to reject you and you will not be able to participate in the examination.

What to bring

For the written examination, please remember to bring dictionaries and maybe food and drink. The dictionaries must be “clean” and without handwritten notes.

Special conditions

If you are disabled, dyslexic or have other conditions that make you want to take the examination under special conditions, you must inform us when registering. You do this by writing in the field “Special conditions”. We will contact you about what kind of help we can offer, what documentation we need and what you need to do to be able to get help.


If you fall ill for either the oral or the written examination, you can ask your doctor for a medical certificate. You must present it to the language school, which will issue an attestation. If you have an attestation, you do not need to sit the whole examination again at the next term, but only the partial examination where you were absent due to illness.


You can complain about the content of the examination, the examination process or the assessment. The complaint must be in writing and substantiated. The appeal deadline is 4 weeks after the test has taken place.

Indfødsretsprøven and Medborgerskabsprøven

Indfødsretsprøven and Medborgerskabsprøven

Indfødsretsprøven and Medborgerskabsprøven are exams in Danish culture and history. The examinations are held twice a year in June and in November. We hold the examinations in Glostrup, Skolevej 6 or close by. You will be notified when you have registered.

Summer term 2025:

Exam date: May 27, 2025

Registration deadline: April 22, 2025

Winter term 2025:

Exam date: November 26, 2025

Registration deadline: October 22. 2025


The upcoming exam is held on May 27, 2025.

You prepare for the exam by reading the learning material:

Læremateriale til Indfødsretsprøven published by the Ministry


If you want to apply for Danish citizenship, you must, among other things, pass Indfødsretsprøven (called the Danish Citizenship Exam). The exam consists of 45 written questions on Danish society, Danish culture, Danish history and Danish values (multiple choice). To pass the test, you must answer 36 questions correctly. Of these, you must answer at least 4 out of 5 questions about Danish values ​​correctly. The test duration is 45 minutes.


The upcoming exam is held on May 27, 2025.

You prepare for the exam by reading the learning material:

Læremateriale til Medborgerskabsprøven published by the Ministry


If you want to apply for permanent residence permit you must, among other tings, pass Medborgerskabsprøven (sometimes called The Active Citizenchip Exam). The exam consists of 25 written questions (multiple choice). You must answer 20 questions correctly to pass. The test duration is 30 minutes.


At what time should I arrive before the exam? What should I bring to the test? What is a valid photo ID?

Rules regarding Indfødsretsprøven and Medborgerskabsprøven

Tid og sted

Once you are registered, you will receive information about time and place. Arrive well in advance for the test. It might take time to get registered.

Photo ID

Please, remember to bring valid photo identification in form of:

  • Passport, residence card, foreign passport or convention passport issued by the Danish authority
  • Passport or identity card issued by a public authority in an EU / EEA country or in Switzerland
  • Passport issued by a public authority outside Denmark, EU / EEA country or in Switzerland, in which a residence sticker or a visa sticker for a Schengen country is located.

If you cannot show valid photo ID before attending the examination, we will have to reject you and you will not be able to participate in the examination.

This is what you can bring

In general, you are not allowed to bring aids. You must hand in your phone before the examination. You will of course get your phone back after you have left the examination room.

Danish Exam A1 og A2 – for family reunified spouses

Danish Exam A1 og A2 – for family reunified spouses

This is how A1 and A2 are done

Danish test A1 and A2 are oral tests. Sitting en a small room in front of a computer you perform the test. You speak into a microphone, and what you say is recorded. You must answer 30 questions. You must answer at least 21 questions correctly to pass the test. A1 is easier than A2.

Example of A1

Example of A2

Time and place

The tests are held regularly. You choose the time and the location when you register. The tests are held on two locations in Denmark.


  • VSKdansk: Skolevej 6, 2600 Glostrup
  • SPROGCENTER VEJLE: Damhaven 13A, 7100 Vejle


The rules regarding A1, A2 and family reunification are many.  We therefore recommend you to read the website New to Denmark published by the Ministry of Immigration and Integration.

Links regarding A1 and A2

If you obtain a residence permit in Denmark based on family reunification, you are generally required to pass a Danish language test at A1 level and at A2 level or another Danish language test at the same level or a higher level.

Overview of exams that you can use as documentation that you have passed a Danish exam at a minimum A1 level, appendix 1 (in Danish)

Overview of exams that you can use as documentation that you have passed a Danish exam at minimum A2 level, appendix 2 (in Danish)

You must pass A1 and A2 within a time limit.

Read more about deadlines for passing A1 and A2

Forlængelsesprøven – the test for religious preachers

Forlængelsesprøven – the test for religious preachers


If you are a religious preacher and wish to extend your residence permit in Denmark beyond 6 months you must pass a test called “Forlængelsesprøven”. (The test was previously called “Indvandringsprøven”)

Here, you can read more about “Forlængelsesprøven”. Unfortunately, the text is only in Danish.