Better at words, numbers and IT

Better at words, numbers and IT

What is Better at Words, Numbers and IT?

Better at words, numbers and IT is an offer for employees having a FOA or 3F agreement. It is a special course for employees who benefit from becoming better at reading, spelling, writing, arithmetic or using IT.

Dyslexia education is offered to those employees who need it.

The effort is a political decision to ensure that all employees on a FOA or 3F agreement also have the competencies to carry out their tasks in the future, as the labor market places still greater demands on the employees’ qualifications.

The effort is financed by Den Kommunale Kompetencefond. The employer receives wage funds from the Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte and Den Kommunale Kompetencefond, so that employees can participate in the courses during working hours without an extra wage cost for the individual workplace.

You can read more about the project here:


Better for words, numbers and IT consists of courses in reading and writing, mathematics and IT. All courses are organized in accordance with Lov om Forberedende Voksenundervisning (FVU) and are qualifying for further education. The courses end with a state-controlled step test with the assessment: passed – failed.

The teaching material is based on the employees’ everyday lives. This can be relevant websites, instructions, intranets, documentation, curricula, guides, summaries from meetings or something else. Therefore, our teachers would very much like to visit the individual workplace before the class starts, so that teachers and managers together can decide which materials to use as a starting point.

Time and place

The course takes place at one of our departments in Glostrup, Ballerup or on Amager.

The course consists of 40 – 80 lessons, organized as half or full days.

Get startet


All courses start with the employees being screened in Danish, mathematics and IT to determine whether they are in the target group for the course.

If you are interested in learning more about Better for words, numbers and IT, you can contact:

Language counselor:
Karen Lehmann
Phone: 4328 3420


Dyslexia Coordinator:
Tina Rem Rasmussen
Phone: 43 28 35 51


Video about Better at words, numbers and IT (in Danish)