Registration with attestation

Registration with attestation

If you have an attestation, you can register for a partial exam. You can transfer the grade or grades you got for the partial examination you completed to the exam term in which you attend the exam once more. Since you only register for a partial test, you pay half price. You can only register for a partial test if you can present an attestation.

Requirements for documentation

You can only register for a partial exam if you can present the document: Attestation for skriftlig eller mundtlig del af en prøve. The attestation is issued by the language school where you registered for the exam, but was absent due to illness. To have an attestation, you must be able to document that you have been ill. You document your illness by asking your doctor for a medical certificate (lægeerklæring). You must approach the language school yourself with your medical certificate and ask for an attestation. You can sign up for the exam at VSKdansk even though the attestation was issued from another language school. The rules apply for PD1, PD2 and PD3.


John completes the written part of PD2 in the summer term 2023 at a language school in Jutland. He gets grades 7 in reading comprehension and 4 in written presentation. When he has to take the oral exam, he gets sick. Therefore, he immediately makes an appointment with his doctor and asks for a medical certificate. He hands in the medical certificate to the language school in Jutland, which issues an attestation. John registers for the oral partial test for the winter term 2023, but since he has moved to Glostrup, he registers for the exam at VSKdansk. When registering, he presents the attestation from the language school in Jutland. John completes the oral exam at VSKdansk and gets the grade 10. When John gets his certificate, the grades from the summer term are transferred, so that it reads: Reading comprehension: 7, Written presentation: 4, Oral presentation: 10.

You can only register for a partial exam:

  • if you were ill at the time when you sould have been up for the exam
  • if you can document your illness with a attestation